Just Another Apostate
it's okay to ask questions
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It never happened twice
Joseph Smith’s translating hat
All is well in Zion
Fake news since 1830
Know the truth of all things
If only you had read daily
Where were Book of Mormon cities?
Clueless angel Moroni
I know* it’s true**
Temple marriage unnecessary
In which temple was Jesus married?
Don’t CTR with sex
Miraculous miracle
I saw your day, sorta
How would you know?
Inessential temple marriage
The murder of Laban
What are the plates for?
This is Joseph
Death to dissenters
Dwindle and perish
Mosiah prayed really hard
Jesus was wrong
Show me the data
But the spirit told me to
Straight outta my hat
Christian Israelite settlers
Babel mythology
Unused plates
Skin of blackness
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