OFFICIAL EXPLANATION: “The Book of Mormon is … a record of God’s dealings with ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. … The record gives an account of two great civilizations. One came from Jerusalem in 600 B.C. and afterward separated into two nations, known as the Nephites and the Lamanites. The other came much earlier when the Lord confounded the tongues at the Tower of Babel. This group is known as the Jaredites. After thousands of years, all were destroyed except the Lamanites, and they are among the ancestors of the American Indians.” -from the Introduction to the Book of Mormon. [source]
NEWS ARTICLE: “Planned Parenthood Association of Utah won’t give out condoms in packages borrowing a well-known Mormon phrase. The pink-and-white wrappers were meant as a playful safe-sex reminder for Latter-day Saints, the group said. But critics say it was distasteful to feature the phrase ‘CTR’ or ‘Choose the Right,’ which the church uses to guide LDS youngsters toward good decisions. ‘Our intent was never to offend,’ Planned Parenthood Association of Utah wrote Wednesday on its Facebook page, ‘but to use the idea of “choosing the right” to spark open, honest conversations about sexual health and contraception. We strive to be sensitive to our community,’ the group said. The acronym ‘CTR’ is a registered trademark owned by the Mormon church, spokeswoman Kristen Howey said in a statement. ‘We have not given Planned Parenthood permission to use it.’ ” -Annie Knox, “After criticism, Planned Parenthood removes photos of condoms with Mormon-owned ‘CTR’ logo,” Salt Lake Tribune, 27 July 2016. [source]
COMMENTARY: If you are Mormon and if you got your holy panties in a bunch when you heard that Planned Parenthood of Utah had printed a pink CTR logo on the wrappers of condoms they planned to hand out at Sunstone, I would suggest you stop and think for the two seconds that would be required to realize that you probably aren’t the target demographic for these condoms. Then hey, as long as you have the inertia of a little critical thinking going on, take a moment and read the CES letter. But don’t listen to me. I’m just another apostate.