QUOTE: “There are no homosexual members of the church. We are not defined by sexual attraction. We are not defined by sexual behavior. We are sons and daughters of God. And all of us have different challenges in the flesh. Simply being attracted to someone of the same gender is not a sin. There are many members of the church who may have some manifestation of that attraction. They honor their covenants, they keep the commandments, they are worthy, they can receive the blessings of the temple and they can serve in the church. It is when we act on the inclination or the attraction, that’s when it becomes a sin. We do not discriminate and we are not bigots. We extend Christ-like love to all sons and daughters of God.” –David A. Bednar, 23 February 2016, in a Q&A session with church members in Chile. [source]
COMMENTARY: Hm. It’s obvious Bednar doesn’t understand homosexuality. But maybe he just honestly doesn’t know what the word discriminate means. If you are a member of the church who is not a homosexual (because those members don’t exist) but you struggle with same-sex attraction and you give in to your temptation and commit a serious sexual sin by entering a same-sex relationship with or without marriage, then the church will not baptize your children. But if you are a member of the church who is not a heterosexual (because those obviously don’t exist either, right?) and you struggle with opposite-sex attraction and you give in to your temptation and commit a serious sexual sin by entering an opposite-sex relationship outside the bonds of matrimony, the church has absolutely no problem baptizing your children. That’s called discrimination. And anyone who says otherwise is lying to you. Yes, I just called Bednar a liar. If he doesn’t like the term he can retract his statement that the church doesn’t discriminate or he can change the policies of the church to not discriminate. It’s pretty simple. You can either discriminate or you can claim that you don’t discriminate, but you don’t get to do both. But what do I know? I’m just another apostate.