SCRIPTURE: “For it is expedient that an atonement should be made; for according to the great plan of the Eternal God there must be an atonement made, or else all mankind must unavoidably perish; … yea, all are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement.” -Alma 34:9. [source]
COMMENTARY: If the sacrifice of Jesus was a requirement of our salvation, and God had no other choice, then He isn’t truly omnipotent. But if He is omnipotent and he chose a plan that required the suffering and death of Christ, then you have to wonder what kind of sadist He is. Imagine if His plan instead went something like, “Okay, I can’t forgive you unless you give me a hug and say you’re really, really sorry. I love you.” That seems more like something a loving omnipotent god would be able to work out. But what do I know? I’m just another apostate.
If it’s okay to say…. isn’t that the point it was never about God and his forgiveness. It was God wanting man, human to stop their harm. Christ wasn’t the only one to have died… many of his disciples and others who they thought were also killed or persecuted. And there’s still people of faith and believe who are still being killed and tortured to this day. Serms was never because God allowed it, so many humans have gone and done this horrible thing and God has try reach them to change.
At least from what I know I have not read all the Bible or other things like it but what I’ve heard some stories and the few things I’ve read in it and people even still to this day is pretty horrible how much has not changed since Christ time.
Hi, Yamila. Thanks for your comment. I’m not sure what you mean by saying it was never about God and his forgiveness. How do you interpret Alma 34:9? Seems to me that the verse is saying that God’s plan depends upon the atonement, and that without it, there is no other way for God to save mankind.
You make some great points about people not being kind to each other either historically or today, though I’m uncertain how that applies to a discussion about the necessity of the atonement in the plan of salvation.