QUOTE: “We were in the temple. We gathered in prayer, and President [Spencer] Kimball led [us] in prayer, and he talked about it. It had been on his mind for a good while. And as he prayed, he talked with the Lord about it, and there just settled over us a feeling that this is the right thing; the time has come; now is the opportunity. And on the basis of that we proceeded.” -Gordon B. Hinckley, speaking of the “revelation” to lift the restriction on blacks receiving the priesthood, in an interview with PBS, published 30 April 2007. [source]
QUOTE: “The Lord could have sent messengers from the other side to deliver it, but he did not. He gave the revelation by the power of the Holy Ghost. Latter-day Saints have a complex: many of them desire to magnify and build upon what has occurred, and they delight to think of miraculous things. And maybe some of them would like to believe that the Lord himself was there, or that the Prophet Joseph Smith came to deliver the revelation, which was one of the possibilities. Well, these things did not happen. The stories that go around to the contrary are not factual or realistic or true….” -Bruce R. McConkie, speaking of the “revelation” to lift the restriction on blacks receiving the priesthood, 18 August 1978. [source]
COMMENTARY: I am remarkably unimpressed. It sounds like what happens when a group of friends decides on where to go for dinner. But what do I know? I’m just another apostate.