QUOTE: “My plea today is that all religions join together to defend faith and religious freedom in a manner that protects people of diverse faith as well as those of no faith. … People of faith must be at the forefront in protecting religious freedom—a freedom from which many other essential freedoms emanate. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech are both at the heart and the foundation of representative democracy. Freedom to believe in private and to exercise belief and speech in the public square are essential to protecting inalienable rights.” -Quentin L. Cook, speaking 27 May 2015 at the Sydney campus of the University of Notre Dame Australia School of Law, a private Catholic university in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. [source]
COMMENTARY: More and more Mormons are being excommunicated for exercising their free speech rights to publicly express their doubts about the church. These members aren’t trying to cause problems. They just want answers, and are troubled with the silence of the prophets. But what do I know? I’m just another apostate.