CHURCH SPOKESMAN: “The choir’s participation continues its long tradition of performing for U.S. presidents of both parties at inaugurations and in other settings, and is not an implied support of party affiliations or politics.” –Eric Harkins, official LDS Church Spokesman, in response to criticism of the church decision to accept an invitation for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to sing at the inauguration of President Trump. [source]
PRESS RELEASE: “This performance will mark the sixth time the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has sung at an inauguration. These inaugural events include the official swearing-in ceremonies for George H. W. Bush (1989), Richard M. Nixon (1969), and Lyndon B. Johnson (1965). They performed in inaugural parades for George W. Bush (2001), George H. W. Bush (1989), and Ronald W. Reagan (1981).” –from the LDS Church’s press release about the choir’s upcoming participation in President Trump’s inauguration, 22 December 2016. [source]
QUOTE: “It’s behind us. Look, that’s behind us. Don’t worry about those little flicks of history.” –Gordon B. Hinckley, responding to Mike Wallace’s question about the church’s racist policies during a CBS News interview that originally aired 7 April 1996. [source]
COMMENTARY: The last time the Mormon Tabernacle Choir performed at the inauguration of a democratic president, it was still 13 years away from allowing black people into its priesthoods or temples. It seems to me that unless you present the church in the best possible light, even when doing so for one thing directly contradicts how the church asked to be treated for something else, Mormons are going to complain that you’re unfair. But what do I know? I’m just another apostate.