FIRST PRESIDENCY LETTER: “Our concern with respect to children is their current and future well-being and the harmony of their home environment. The provisions of Handbook 1, Section 16.13, that restrict priesthood ordinances for minors, apply only to those children whose primary residence is with a couple living in a same-gender marriage or similar relationship. As always, local leaders may request further guidance in particular instances when they have questions. When a child living with such a same-gender couple has already been baptized and is actively participating in the Church, provisions of Section 16.13 do not require that his or her membership activities or priesthood privileges be curtailed or that further ordinances be withheld. Decisions about any future ordinances for such children should be made by local leaders with their prime consideration being the preparation and best interests of the child.” -excerpt from a letter from The First Presidency, 13 November 2015. [source]
COMMENTARY: It’s nice to know that we just didn’t have the proper context to understand that when the church writes in their handbook about children with an openly gay parent, they really mean children who are living full-time with openly gay parents. And when they say that such a child cannot be ordained to the priesthood, they really mean that he can be. It’s all just a big misunderstanding because neither we non-Mormons nor the bishops and stake presidents who were approached this past week had the spiritual insight to understand the true meaning of the policy. But it’s totally okay because if this policy hadn’t been leaked to the public, none of the misunderstandings would have happened. And I hate to say it, but if you believe that, you’re gullible. But what do I know? I’m just another apostate.