NEWS ARTICLE: “In his [CES] letter, Runnells raises a number of doubts and questions about the Mormon religion and its history. Some of the topics include Joseph Smith’s polygamist practices and the writings in the Book of Mormon. Runnells said he was promised a response by the CES director, but he said that never came. He said he was then approached by his stake president (a regional leader who oversees several congregations), who he said also promised answers. ‘Three years and no answers from the CES director, and a year and a half of no answers from my stake president,’ he said. ‘It became very obvious that the church does not have answers.’ Runnells said in January, he finally got communication–but it called for disciplinary council. … The purpose of a disciplinary council is to discuss sins with the person, pray, and figure out how to move forward.” –Lauren Steinbrecher and Mark Green, Author of ‘Letter to a CES Director’ out of LDS Church after disciplinary council, Fox 13 News, Salt Lake City, 17 April 2016. [source]
COMMENTARY: The church claims to have truth. The church claims that it’s okay for members to have doubts and ask questions. Yet when a member does so publicly, the church brings that member in for a disciplinary council to face charges of apostasy and a punishment of excommunication. Sounds totally legit, right? Jeremy did what any sane person would do in such a situation: he “excommunicated” the church by resigning his membership. He refused to accept any guilt for being honest and seeking truth. Sounds like something Jesus would do. But what do I know? I’m just another apostate.